Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Surgery

St George's Vet Centre is proud to offer Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Surgery with our Specialist Surgeon as a minimally invasive option for many operations. 

This technique allows far smaller surgical wounds and a far quicker recovery than traditional abdominal surgery.

Instead of one large surgical wound, a small incision is made to allow the insertion of a small camera, which magnifies and illuminates the image from inside the abdomen. Additional small incisions allow the insertion of surgical instruments and the surgery is far more precise and less invasive.

The most common surgery where Laparoscopy provides a huge benefit is a bitch spay. The traditional midline spay requires a midline abdominal incision and the dog must receive strict rest after the surgery (which can be stressful for both dog and owner if the dog has a lively personality.)

With Laparoscopic spays, the recovery is far quicker and the wounds far smaller and strict rest is not required post- operatively.

Please note, for dogs under 5kg the Laparoscopic spay is not appropriate due to their small size. In these dogs, the midline spay wound will be very small anyway. Cats are similarly too small to benefit from Laparoscopic surgery.

Another surgery where Laparoscopy offers infinite benefits compared to traditional surgery is the Cryptorchid Castration. If a dog has one or both testicles retained then the testicle which is "hidden" in the abdomen may be anywhere from the kidney to the inguinal ring exiting in the groin area. This necessitates a large surgical wound to allow exploration of the abdomen to locate and exteriorise the testicle. Performing this surgery laparoscopically allows location of the testicle and a targeted surgery with a smaller wound and quicker recovery.

Several other procedures benefit from the minimally invasive Laparoscopic technique. | 01932 858890 | Find Us